Expertise en Ressources Humaines. : the Beginning

In 2016, Myriam El Khomri, Minister of Labour, lanched the NET Program (Numeric Employment and Work). This program, financed by a 2 million subvention through the PIA (Program Investing for the Future), is aimed to help public and private actors to change deeply the Job market in France. MindMatcher is one of the 4 start-ups winners of this PIA.

With the project, MindMatcher wants to go further than the classic Resume and offers adapted solutions, in a changing job market, where skills visualizations will enable new job opportunities

3 strategic goals

  • Facilitate individual skills identification thanks to Big Data analysis

  • Enable to manage complex skills mapping at a group level and to build companies strategy

  • Offer individual and group training path based on existing skills


Our vision

Since 2016, we have organised several co-design workshops with Pôle Emploi to build with our future users (job seekers, Employment advisors, HR professionals) simple and dynamic tools to manage hard and soft skills

Our Partners

We have a close relation with our partners for the design and development of our solutions